Staff Tour
In view of extending staff welfare activities, a picnic was arranged on 07.07.2018. It was well attended and the staff both teaching and noniteachning could find solace and comfort in the seenic spots.
Staff Mutual Benefit Fund Society
To enable the entire faculty to avail loan facilities, Staff members have created a corpus fund. This can be used in times of emergency like availing financial assistance for education, Staff Mutual Benefit Fund Society(SMBFS) is the unit through which funds are disbursed.
65 of our Staff members are enrolled in this scheme.
Provident Fund
65 of our Staff members are brought under this scheme
Insurance Policy
The Staff (both teaching and nonteaching) are covered under insurance scheme. This will enable medical assistance. The above said welfare coverages are make to mage the professional and personal lives of staff members a comfortable one. We, in RMPT ensures the successful and easeful ongoing life for staff members, creating a suitable working environment.